Friday, November 28, 2014


A sentence is presented in simple present tenses when it is used to describe an actin that’s happening at present and does not indicate when the action is expected to end. Simple present tenses is used when :
-          The action that is taking place in general.
-          The action is not only occurring now; it repeats after regula intervals of time.
-          To indicate facts those are genarlly true.
-        The action for relating habits and routines that happen all the time, be it in the future, past or present.


-          I play tennis.
-          She does not play tennis.
-          Does he play tennis ?
-          The train leaves every morning at 8 AM.
-          The train does not leave at 9 AM.
-          When does the train usually leave ?
-          She always forgets her purse.
-          He never forgets his wallet.
-          Every twelve Months, the Earth circles the sun.
-          Does the sun circle the Earth.


{VERB } + s/es in third person.

-        If the subject in 3rd person singular.

The verb is used in its original form;

-         If subject is 1st and/or 2nd person singular.
-         If subject is 1st and/or 2nd person plural.
-         If subject is 3rd person plural.

Main Idea

Directions : Read each paragraph. Then answer the following questions.

Anytime you are outdoors, you are at risk for sunburn and possibly skin cancer. Sunburns are your body’s way of telling you that it has been exposed to too much direct sunlight. One of the first signs of mild sunburn is the reddening of the ski. The affected area will feel warm and look blotchy-pink. To prevent sunburn, always shield yourself from the sun’s powerful rays by wearing protective clothing, sunglasses, hats and sunscreen with a rating of at least SPF 15.

1.       What is the main idea of this paragraph ?

2.       Write two details that support the main idea.

Many children and adults drown every year in water-related accidents. Swimming in a pool, lake, or ocean can prove dangerous and even fatal if do not done with countion. When in the water,  stay safe by following a few simple rules :

-always swim where a lifeguard is on duty
-Read the signs first—beware of riftides and other natural dangers.
-Do not engage in”horseplay”
-Know your limititations and do not exceed them.
-Do not swim if you are taking medications that alter your balance of perception.

3. What is the main idea of this paragraph ?

4. Write two details that support the main idea .

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Find the Topic Sentence "Olympic Competition"

Directions : Read the paragraphs. Write an "X" next to the correct topic sentence.

Track and field events are the oldest of all organized sports.
The first organized meets recorded in history were the Olympic Games. The greeks held the first Olympic Games in 776 B.C. For many years the only Olympian competition was the pentathlon. 
Athletes competed in discus and javelin throwing, food racing, broad jumping, and wrestling. Other contests including foot races for men wearing full armor, ere later added to the list of track and field events.

___ For many years the only Olympian Competition was the pentathlon.
___Track and Field events are the oldest of all organized sports.
___The Greeks held the first Olympic Games in 776 B.C. 

Find the Topic Sentence "Backgammon"

Directions : Read the paragraphs. Write an "X" next to the correct topic sentence.

Backammons is the world's oldest game. It was invented in Mesopotamia more than 1000 years ago. Archeologist have found game boards in the ruins of acient homes in Greece, Rome, Persia and the Far East. The Romans called the game tabula,, which in English means tables. When the Romans invaded Britain, tabula went with them. adults and children played tables during the Middle Ages. In the 1600s the name of thr game was changed to backgammon, which means, "back game" in Middle English. 

___It was invented in Mesopotamia over a thousand years ago
___The Romans called the game tabula, which in english means tables.
___Bacgammon is the world's oldest game. 

Find the Topic Sentence "Muhammad Ali"

Directions : Underline the topic sentence in each paragraph. Rewrite the topic sentence on                                     the line bellow.

Muhammad Ali brought to the sport of boxing a combination of size, speed, strength and stamina. As if that were not enough to make him a succses, Ali also had a lively personality that few others in sports or entertaiment came close to matching. Ali is considered to be the greatest heavyweight boxer all time . He rose to fame during the Civil Right Movement. Muhammad Ali now many boxing tittles matches. It made him the world's most famous athlete in the 1970's and a honored and admired figure throughout the U.S.

Topic Sentence :

Find the Topic Sentence "Buffalo Bill"

Directions : Underline the topic sentence in each paragraph. Rewrite the topic sentence on                      the line bellow.

Buffalo Bill was a famoous American from the Old West. His real name was William Frederick Cody. Buffalo Bill was an American guide, c=scout, and showman. He also was a rider for the Pony Express when it was established in 1860, and at the beginning of the American Civil War, Buffalo Bill was a scout and guide for the Union Army. In 1863, he enlisted in the sevent Kansas Cavalary as an army scout. At the close of the war he contracted with the Kansas Pasific Railroad to feed buffalo meat to the workers on the line. That's how he earned his nickname.

Topic Sentence : 

Thursday, November 20, 2014


Salah satu ciri gotong royong Amerika terkandung dalam arti kata caring. Carol Gillligan dalam bukunya In A Different Voice mengatakan bahwa caring merupakan suatu sikap moral dengan arti praktis dalam kehidupan kita. Di dalam konsep gotong royong caring tidak hanya berarti sikap moral antar individu, akan tetapi telah menjangkau komunitas yang lebih luas. Ada 4 konsep caring yang dapat menjelaskan gotong royong di Amerika yaitu suatu kewajiban moral, suatu affect, suatu interaksi antar masyarakat. Dengan demikian, gotong royong sudah dapat dirasakan sebagai suatu kewajiban moral individu internal, suatu yang berinteraksi dengan sesama dan yang akhirnya berkembang menjadi suatu aktivitas masyarakat dan bangsa Amerika.
Unsur lainnya yanh menjadi dasar gotong royong di Amerika ialah empathy, suatu kemampuan untuk membayangkan diri kita berada di posisi orang lain, dan mengerti penderitaan, perasaan, harapan serta tindakan orang lain itu. Di dalam konteks American volunteerism emphaty yang semula merupakan suatu reaksi spontan pada suatu keadaan menyedihkan dari sesama manusia. Saat ini digalakkan melalui organisasi-organisasi pribadi dan dikembangkan oleh organisasi-organisasi swadaya atau Non-Governmental Organisation
Para sukarelawan biasanya tidak mengharapkan penghargaan setimpal karena kegiatan mereka betul-betul sukarela dan dengan keikhlasan hati. Dalam hal ini, ajaran keagamaan sangat terasa dominan, mereka percaya bahwa siapa yang menolong orang yang membutuhkan akan mendapatkan rahmat dari Tuhan.Bangsa Amerika dikenal sebagai bangsa yang memegang teguh paham individualisme. Bagi orang asing (non-America) kata ini sering disalah artikan dengan egoisme bagi bangsa Amerika adalah orang-orang yang hanya mementingkan diri sendiri. Paham individualisme dalam arti populer masyarakat Amerika adalah menghargai hak-hak dan kewajiban indvidu. Amerika mengasumsikan sebuah konsep waktu yang valid yaitu Masa Lampau, Masa Kini dan Masa Depan untuk lebih jelasnya marilah kita bahas di sini :

Dalam sejarah bangsa Amerika, gotong royong sudah hidup di Amerika sejak zaman kolonial, sebelum berdirinya negara Amerika Serikat sampai sekarang. Kekuatan gotong royong seperti senjata terhebat yang dapat melawan kemiskinan, narkoba, kehamilan di luar nikah, dan batas antara generasi tua dan muda. Kebutuhan dan tujuan yang sama membawa masyarakat dalam spirit gotong royong dadan kerja sama untuk menjaga eksistensi komunitas. Spirit gotong royong dimulai sejak awal kedatangan kaum imigran pertama, salah satunya yang datang dengan kepal The Flower dan bermukim di daerah Plymouth. Spirit saling menolong dan istilah “help thy neighbor” muncul pada waktu mereka mengalami kesulitan dan bahaya kelaparan pada bulan-bulan pertama setelah mendarat. Kebanyakan mereka yang belum berpengalaman dalam bercocok tanam ataupunn pembukuan lahan baru. Sejara mencatat suku Indian-lah yang pertama menanamkan spirit gotong royong pada masyarakat baru itu. Spirit gotong royong yang mereka pelajari dari suku Indian ini diabadikan dalam budaya Amerika dengan perayaan Thanksgiving yang sampai sekarang masih hidup di masyarakat Amerika dan dirayakan setiap kamis minggu terakhir bulan November. Banyak lagi hal-hal / peristiwa-peristiwa gotong royong yang terjadi dari masa ke masa di Amerika itu sendiri yang terus melekatkan spirit gotong royong ini kepada masyarakat Amerika hingga saat ini.
Peneliti Jepang Motoko Imai pada tahun 1996 mencatat Amerika Serikat merupakan negara yang paling maju dalam hal kedermawaan khususnya dalam hal prosentasi pendapatan yang diberikan untuk amal, dan rata-rata jumlah waktu yang diberikan untuk pekerjaan sukarela. 
Besarnya kesadaran untuk gotong royong dapat ditelusuri oleh 2 hal. Pertama, keinginan untuk bekerja sama dan membantu orang lain berasal dari awal berdirinya negara ini, yaitu mulai dengan komunitas setempat yang dibangun oleh rakyat secara gotong royong yang selanjutnya berkembang menjadi koloni dan akhirnya menjadi negara-negara bagian (States) dan bersatu menjadi negara Amerika Serikat (The United Stated). Voluntarism Amerika juga datang dari agama. Gereja-gereja maupun synagoge (tempat ibadah orang Yahudi) telah selalu menjadi sumber-sumber besar kegotongroyongan dan sampai sekarang keadaannya masih demikian.

Hal kedua yang menyebabkan volunterisme marak di Amerika adalah karena pemerintahan federal maupun pemerintahan lokal memberikan bantuan dana yang cukup besar pada organisasi-organisasi nirlaba. Karena alasan-alasan tersebut, terdapat banyak kelompok-kelompok relawan dan organisasi-organisasi nirlaba di Amerika. Sekolah dan badan-badan usaha mempunyai program-program volunteri yang saling berhubungan, sedangkan untuk sumbangan amal, badan bernama The United Way mengumpulkannya dari memotong gaji langsung pendonor yang terdiri dari pegawai-pegawai perusahaan dan pemerintahan. Dengan demikian melalui volunterisme dan sumbangan, para individual dapat mengungkapkan keinginan mereka, masyarakat seperti apa yang mereka inginkan dan isu-isu apa yang mereka anggap penting dan perlu dibantu (Imai 1996)
Salah satu usaha untuk menyemarakkan volunterisme adalah usaha Jummy Carter dan Bill Clinton yang membawa arah gotong royong ke era “Post Moderism”, yaitu dimana sukarelawan menerima imbalan uang untuk waktu dan tenaganya. Hal ini mengundang kritikan dari tokoh-tokoh sosial yang mengatakan apa arti volunterisme bila dibayar kata volunteer mengandung makna keikhlasan hati untuk membantu tanpa mengharapkan imbalan kecuali kepuasan hati sudah dapat membuat “perbedaan” pada kehidupan sesama.
Para kritikus berpendapat bahwa program-program yang dicanangkan pemerintah tentang volunteerism berlawanan dengan makna murninya. Timbul pertanyaan akankah semangat gotong royong yang telah menjadi cikal bakal masyarakat Amerika tertelan oleh perubahan zaman? Kalau melihat kebiasaan masyarakat di daerah-daerah dan kota-kota kecil yang masih melakukan semangat gotong royong secara spontan kiranya semangat murni masih akan hadir bersama modern volunteerism.

Gotong royong dari masa ke masa mengalami pasang surut. Suatu hal yang menarik adalah fakta bahwa kegiatan gotong royong tidak dipengaruhi oleh perubahan ekonomi. Gotong royong cenderung marak pada waktu Great Depression. Sebaliknya, sewaktu mengalami kemakmuran sehingga menyebut diri mereka “People of Plenty”, spirit gotong royongnya menipis. Meskipun begitu, nampak bahwa semangat baru volunteerime mulai muncul dari generasi millenium. 


The English Tenses System
Many English learners worry to much about tenses. If you stopped 100 native English speakers in the street and asked them about tenses, one oof them might give you an inteligent answer if you were lucky. The other 99 would know little about terms like “past perpect” or “present countinuos”. And they would know nothing about aspect, voice or mood. But they can all speak fluent English and communicate effectively, but don’t become obsessed with them. Be like those native speakers!
Speak naturally!
The links below are to lesson for each of the 12 basic tenses. In each lesson we look at ttwo aspects of the tenses :
*Structure : How do we make the tenses ?
*Use : When and why do we use the tenses ?
Some lesson look at additional aspects, and most of them finish with a quiz to check your understanding.
*Present Tenses
I do do, I do
*Present Continuous Tenses
I am doing, I am doing tomorrow
*Present Perfect Tenses
I have done
*Present Perfect Continuous Tenses
I have been doing
*Past Tenses
I did do, I did
*Past Continuous Tenses
I was doing
*Past Perfect Tenses
I had done
*Past Perfect Continuous Tenses
I had been doing
*Future Tenses
I will do
*Future Continuous Tenses
I will be doing
*Future Perfect Tenses
I will have done
*Future Perfect Continuous Tenses

I will have been doing


Directions : Look at the picture, read the caption, and read the selection.
                     Then answer the questions below.

These are a few of bones in the body. The femur is the longest bone.
can youfind it on your body ?

You have 206 bones in your body. Both boys and girls the same number of bones. They make u the framework, or skeleton, that supports the tissues and muscles. Your bones are important beecause of the structure they provide and also because of what they contain. Together they give your body shape, and--moved by your muscles--help you to run after ball, take a walk, or type a letter to your mom. They protect delicate body parts. They also store bone marrow to produce blood cells and contain important minerals like calciumm and phosphorus that can be released into your blood.

Puerto Rico "SCANNING"

Directions : Use the picture and the words in each selection to answer the questions below. 

Hola Puerto Rico! Bordered by the Atlantic Ocean and the Caribbean Sea, Puerto Rico, with its rich Hispanic heritage, is America's premeir 100-mile-long island territory. The Puerto Ricans are self-governerd U.S citiziens.

Hey! Try this trick to remember the name of the capital of Puerto Rico. Imagine you are walking along a sandy beach and you find a magic wand. You pick up the wand and wave it over the sand and NOTHING! So much for sand and wands! Well, use this "Picture" to remember that san Juan is the capital of Puerto Rico.

Did you know that tresure ships once sailed the water near Puerto Rico ? Their hulls were filled with gold as they headed for spain. some of them sank in stroms off the coast of Puerto Rico. They are still there, somewhere, and treasure hunters are on the lookout. 

The skies over Puerto Rico can send down buckets of rain, and then be clear and completely dry 15 minutes later. In Puerto Rico's El Yunque rainforest, you can see a storm on one mountain and clear skies over a nearby mountain.

1. What two large boodies of water border Puerto Rico ?
2. What is the capital of Puerto Rico ?
3. Where the tresure ships that sailed from the Caribbean headed ?
4 What is the whether like in Puerto Rico ?
5. Is Puerto Rico a state, a country, or a terittory island of the U.S ?
6. What is the heritage of the Puerto Rican people ?

Ocean Rules "SCANNING"

Directions : Read the topic sentence and then make a prediction about what the rest of the paragraph may say. Next, read the rest of the paragraph. Last, Rate your prediction.

Topic Sentence 
 You might think laws are just for land, but laws are made for the oceans and seas as well.

Prediction : Ocean Rules

No single country owns the seas and oceans of the world. Therefore, nations of the world have had to work together to agree on how to deal with ships, crews, cargoes, ship passangers, fishing, and exploration when a problem arises on the high seas. This kind of law is known as maritime law. Maritime law has existed a long time--it dates back to the age of the Roman empire. Today some countries, likke the United States and Great Britain, have their own maritime laws that ggovern their citizen's use of the high seas. The United Nations is the world organization that works to develop and enforce, or carry out, maritime laws worldwide. However, not at all nations agree with the United Nations' ideas on how to govern the oceans and seas.

My prediction was : True          False        Somewhere in between

Tips for Kids Who Have to Do Homework "Scanning"

Directions : Look quickly at the bold topic sentences below, but don't read the rest of the text yet. Now write a sentence to predict what you think each tip will tell you.
Then read the wholw page.

                                             Tips for Kids Who Have to Do Homework 

Keeep your goals in mind. Making an effort to do well in school is easier if you keep in mind what you are trying to achieve. pick two kinds of goals. Pick one that you can do now or this year. Then pick one for when you get older, like when you go to college or get a job. when things get tough as they sometimes do, picture yourself meeting those goals. This will help you get back on track.

Plan your study time. You cannot earn good grades if you do not plan well. Sports activities and time with family and friends can take over your life, leaving you with little time to study. The solution is to make a daily study schedule and follow it.

Pick the best place to study. Not everyone studies well in a bedroom or at a desk. Those are good places, but experiment with studying indifferent places until you find what works best for you.

Don''t study for too long. You brain needs a break now and then in order to work well. Study for no more than one hour before you take a quick break. get a snack, pet the dog, or say hello to a family member but then go right back to work.

*Keeep your goals in mind. Effort

*Plan your study time. Schedule

*Pick the best place to study. Good Places

*Don''t study for too long. Take a break


Directions : Scan the paragraph to preview it. Then read the statements. Check the ones that you predict the paragraph will include. Then read the paragraph and check the statements again to confirm your predictions.

You will never see a live saber-toothed tiger. That it because it became extinct about 11,000 years ago during the Ice Age. Even though it is called a tiger, scienties don't agree that it was truly big cat. It was the size of a present-day lion, but it had several features that made it somewhat different. For one, it had striking-looking teeth. It also walked flat-footed, much the same way a bear walks.
By comparison, all cats walk on their toes. It legs were short, which means it could't run fasr or far like most cats can.

Prediction and Confirmation :

1. The Saber-toothed tiger lived in North America.
2. This animal lives during the Ice Age.
3. It was about the size of a lion.
4. It did not walk like a cat.
5. It ate mastodons.
6. Its huge upper teeth were a striking feature.

Answer :

*Prediction 1 and 5.

*Confirmation 2, 3, 4 and 6.


Direction : Scan the paragraph to preview what it says. Then write a sentence to predict what you think you will learn when you read it carefully. 

You may be aquainted  with your family veterinarian, or pet, who treats your family vet. However, the field of veterinary medicine is not limited to taking care of dogs and cats. Some vets specialize, or restrict their practice, to certain kinds of animals, such ass horses, birds, reptils or zoo animals.
Other kinds of vets may ttreat just certain types of animal problems-for examples, eye or skin diseases. farmers and ranchers may hire vets to manage their cattle, dairy, or poultry farms. Proffesors of veterinary medicine work at universitis teaching students who will some day become vets. Still other vets conduct research or work for companies that make human drugs. So you see, many types of work are possible for soemone who choose to become a vet.

Prediction : Veternarian.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014


What is context ? It is the sentence or sentences around a word.
The context can tell you a lot about a word.
These exercise can help you learn about the context. Some words are missing in each story. You must use the context to find the right words.
First read the story. Think about the context for each missing word. Then look for the right words.

*Reasd the story. Answer the words in the right places.


       Lidia Mazza is 89 years old. She lives in Bazzano, a small town in italy. She lives in the same house with her daughter, her daughter's daughter, and her daughters daughter's ______! 
Her son and his children live in the next town.
       Mrs. Mazza does not work in the house now. Her daughterdoes the________.Mrs. Mazza often works in the garden. She loves her flowers and vegetables. She also walks and soetimes she takes her bicyle. She buy milk and _____ for her famyly. She talks with the people in the store or with_______on the street. She likes to tell them about her family.

*Think before you read

*What is the lesson ?


What is context ? It is the sentence or sentences around a word.
The context can tell you a lot about a word.
These exercise can help you learn about the context. Some words are missing in each story. You must use the context to find the right words.
First read the story. Think about the context for each missing word. Then look for the right words.

*Reasd the story. Answer the words in the right places.


       Diem Tam Tranh is 58 years old. He lives in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. He and his wife have two sons. All the people in his______work in Tranh's company. Fourteen other people also work for Tranh. The_____is in a small building near the city. It makes scissors.

       In vietnam there was war for many years. Tranh was a soldier in the_____. Some of his workers were also soldiers. Tranh finds old trucks and_______from the war. His workers take parts to the factory. They make scissors from the parts. They are very good scissors. He sells them in 14______around the world.

*Think before you read

*What is the lesson ?


What is context ? It is the sentence or sentences around a word.
The context can tell you a lot about a word.
These exercise can help you learn about the context. Some words are missing in each story. You must use the context to find the right words.
First read the story. Think about the context for each missing word. Then look for the right words.

*Reasd the story. Think of words for the spaces.

      John Utsi live in Jokkmokk, Sweden. He is 43 years old. He is a writer for a newspaper. He also writes_____about the sami people. In the past, these______lived very far from cities.
They lived in tents, and they moved the tents often. They went after reindeer. From the reindeer they had milk and_____.
      John's family are sami people. John and his wife, elin and their two daughters live in a city. But every year they go to lake Kutjaure. They live in a tent for two____. They go after reindeer. John and Elin work a lot in that time. But they like this life. And the______like the tents and the reindeer.

*Think before you read

*What is the lesson ?


What is context ? It is the sentence or sentences around a word.
The context can tell you a lot about a word.
These exercise can help you learn about the context. Some words are missing in each story. You must use the context to find the right words.
First read the story. Think about the context for each missing word. Then look for the right words.

*Reasd the story. Think of words for the spaces.

        Salim Al wahaibi is 12 years old. He lives un Al Mintirib, Oman. Oman is a small country on te arabian sea. Salim has a 9-year-old brother, Talib. Five days a week, Salim and Talib_____to school.

        On the weekend, their lifes changes. every weekend, there are camel races near Al mintirib. salim''s father_____two camels. Salim and Talib get on the camels_______fast. Salim''s father_____ a truck next to the camels. He calls to the camels, and he calls to his boys. The other fathers call to their camels and their boys. Then fathers must run and stop them.

*Think before you read

*What is the lesson ?


What is context ? It is the sentence or sentences around a word.
The context can tell you a lot about a word.
These exercise can help you learn about the context. Some words are missing in each story. You must use the context to find the right words.
First read the story. Think about the context for each missing word. Then look for the right words.

*Reasd the story. Answer the words in the right places.


        Malcom morris is 29 years old. He lives in Charlotteville, Tobago. Tobago is small country in the Caribbean Sea. Malcom's town is near the____. There are few cars in this town, but there are many boats. 

        Malcom is a ______. Every morning he goes out early in his____and gets some fish. In the afternoon he works in his vegetable_____. He eats lots of fish and vegetables. He also sells some fish in another town. In the______he sometimes works with the other fisherman. They often work on their boats. Sometimes he sits in a cafe withhis frirnds. They like to talk about fishing and life.

*Think before you read

*What is the lesson ?


What is context ? It is the sentence or sentences around a word.
The context can tell you a lot about a word.
These exercise can help you learn about the context. Some words are missing in each story. You must use the context to find the right words.
First read the story. Think about the context for each missing word. Then look for the right words.

*Reasd the story. Answer the words in the right places.

-HORSE      -MEAT    -GIRL     -TOWN     -YARD

        Mara Milvaney is 36 years old. Mara and here family live in a small ______ in australia. Mara and her husband, Dan, have three children, two boys and a _____. They live in a small house with a large ______. The children like animals very much. The family has three cats, two dogs, and a _____.
       Mara and Dan also like animals. They hhave a sheep farm. They sell the young sheep for meat. People in europe and the United Stades buy the_____. Mara also sells the sheep's wool
for clothes. Australian wool goes to many countries.

*Think before you read

*What is the lesson ?


Once there was a fisherman. He and his wife lived in a little house. They were very poor.
One day he went to the sea. He wanted to get some fish for dinner. For many hours, he get nothing. Then, in the evening, he got a big. fat fish.
"Please don't eat me!" said the fish. "Tell me what you want. I can give it to you."
The fisherman put the fish back into the sea. He went home and told his wife about the fish. She said, "Husband! I dont like this old house. Tell the fish I want a new house."
So the fisherman went back to the sea. He called to the fish, "Oh, fish!" My wife wants a new house."
"Go home," said the fish. "Your wife has a new house."
The fisherman went home. His wife was in a nice, new house.
There were flowers in the yard, and she was very happy.
But the next morning, she way not happy. She said to her husband,"This house is very small. I want a big house now. Go back to the fish and tell him."
So the fisherman went back to the sea. "Oh, fish!" he called. "My wife wants a big house."
"Go home" said the fish. "Your wife has a big house."
The fisherman went home. There was his wife in a very big and beautiful house. She was very happy.
But the next morning she said, "A big  house is nice. But it is not enough, I want to be a queen!"
So the fisherman went back to the sea again, "Oh, fish!" he called. "My wife wants to be a queen!"
"Go home," said the fish. "Your wife is a queen"
The fisherman went home. His wife was now a queen. She had on a beautiful dress. "Now you can be happy, "said the fisherman to his wife.
The next morning it rained. The fisherman's wife said, "I dont like the rain. Tell the fish. I want to stop the rain."
So the fisherma went back to the sea another time. "Oh, fish!" he called. "Help me! My wifw is still not happy. She wants to stop the rain."
"Go home," said the fish. "Your wife ask to much! Now she has nothing."
The fisherman went home. His wife was in their old house again. And once again, they were very poor.

*Think before you read

*What is the lesson ?


One day, sinbad the sailor was by the sea. He sat down by the water. Someday called to him. There was an old bottle near him.
He looked at the bottle. In it, there was a very, very little person. It was a genie.
"Help! Help!" said the genie. "Please let me out."
Sinbad opened the bottle. A big, gray cloud came out. In the cloud, there was a very, very big genie.
"Thank you, sailor. And now, Iam going to eat you. My last meal was 5000 years ago. I am very hungry."
The genie was very big and strong, and he had sinbad in his hand. Sinbad was small and not very strong. But he was clever.
He said to the genie, " How can you eat me- a little thing like you?"
"little?" said the genie, In a teribble way. "I am very big!"
"How can you very big?" asked sinbad."You were in this little bottle!"
"I changed," said the genie. You can see that!"
"No, No," said sinbad. " I see only a little bottle."
The genie's face was all red. He was very teribble to see. "I can change!" he said. "look at me!"
The genie went into his big, gray cloud. Then the cloud went away. The genie was little, and he was inside the bottle again.
Sinbad put the bottle in the sea and walked away. "Good-bye for another 5000 years!" Sinbad said.

*Think before you read

*What is the lesson ?


One day Dan and Jim walked down the road.
"what a beautiful day" said Dan.
"yes, this is a good day for a walk," said Jim. " It is not raining, and it is not hot."
So they talked and walked. They walked and talked. They came to a mountain with lots of trees. Then jim stopped talking. there was a bear behind a tree. Jims said nothing to dan. In a minute, Jim was up in a tree. Then he called to his friend, "Oh dan, there is a bear!"
Dan did not have time to run. He did not have time to go up a tree. So he fell to the ground. he did not move.
The bear walked over to him and smelled him. He made nolses in Dan's ear. Dan still did not move. After some time, the bear went away. Bear do not eat dead people or animals.
Then Jim came down from the tree.
"sorry," he said. I wanted to tell you about the bear. But first, I wanted to get up the tree"
Dan said nothing. He got up from the ground.
"What did the bear say to you?" asked Jim.
"he told me something very important," said Dan.
"Oh, what was that?" asked Jim.
'He told me about good friends. Good friends do not run away. Good friends help their friends."
And Dan walked down the road alone.

*Think before you read

*What is the lesson ?


Kamal lives in a little village. Every day he goes out with his sheep. He stay with the sheep all say. In the evening he comes back to village.
One day, the boy thinks," I do not like this! I am with the sheep all day. The sheep do not talk, and they do not listen to me. what can I do ?" 
kamal sits there for some time. Then he says, "I know!" and he cries, "Wolf! Wolf!"
In a few minute, people come running from the village.
"where is the wolf ?" they ask.
"Oh, there is no wolf," says the boy. "I wanted to see you and talk to you."
The people are not happy. They go back to the village. " That bad boy!" they say.
The next day, kamal is with he sheep. Again, he does not want to be alone. He cries, "Wolf! Wolf!"
Again, the people come from the village. This time, they are very angry. "You must noyt do that again!" they say.
"Next time, we are not going to listen. "And they go back to their work.
That same afternoon, Kamal is alone with his sheep. He is almost asleep. Then he hears something in the trees. He opens his eyes, It is a wolf. The wolf is coming to eat his sheep.
"Help! Help!" cries kamal. "There is a wolf."
The people in the village hear the boy, but this time they do not come.
So kamal runs away, and the wolf kills and eat all the sheep.

*Think before you read

*What is the lesson ?


A wolf looking for food. He is very hungry. One evening, he sees some chickens in a yard. he wants to eat those chickens. But there is a dog in the yard, too. The dog is very big and strong, The wolf does not want to fight the dog, but he iis very, very hungry. He waits near the yard.
The wolf sees a man come out of the house. the man gives some food to the dog. Then he goes come back in the house.
"Good evening" the wolf call to the dogs.
"Good evening" answers the dog. He is eating his dinner.
The wolf says," Do you get food every day?"
"Two times a day" answer the dog. " I get breakfast in the morning and dinner in evening." He eats some more. Then he looks at the wolf. "Are you hungry? Come live here with me. This is a good life. I help the man a little. At night I sleep near the chickens. No animals can get them."
The dog eats all his dinner and sits down. He say to the wolf, "You are always running and fighting. Your life is not easy. Come live here . Life is easy here.
The wolf sits down near the dog. He thinks, "Why not? I can eat every day here, and I have a friend."
But then he looks at the dog.
"what is that under your ears?" he asks.
"what?" says the dog.
"Look at your neck! It is all red!" say the wolf.
"Oh, that is nothing," say the dog.
"Nothing!" sa the wolf. "it is teribble!"
"No, no," says the dog. It is the chain. In the day, the farmer puts a chain on my neck."
"A chain!" says the wolf. "So you can't run. You must stay there by the house all day!"
"Then no, Thank you, my friend. I cannot stay here with you.
I do not want a chain on my neck. I am going back to my old life.
Good bye!"
And the wolf runs away, still hungry.

*Think before you read

*What is the lesson ?