Thursday, November 20, 2014


Directions : Scan the paragraph to preview it. Then read the statements. Check the ones that you predict the paragraph will include. Then read the paragraph and check the statements again to confirm your predictions.

You will never see a live saber-toothed tiger. That it because it became extinct about 11,000 years ago during the Ice Age. Even though it is called a tiger, scienties don't agree that it was truly big cat. It was the size of a present-day lion, but it had several features that made it somewhat different. For one, it had striking-looking teeth. It also walked flat-footed, much the same way a bear walks.
By comparison, all cats walk on their toes. It legs were short, which means it could't run fasr or far like most cats can.

Prediction and Confirmation :

1. The Saber-toothed tiger lived in North America.
2. This animal lives during the Ice Age.
3. It was about the size of a lion.
4. It did not walk like a cat.
5. It ate mastodons.
6. Its huge upper teeth were a striking feature.

Answer :

*Prediction 1 and 5.

*Confirmation 2, 3, 4 and 6.

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